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Siopadoire is an online shop committed to promoting the republican struggle in Ireland and workers struggles internationally. All monies raised in this online store go towards political campaigns in Ireland aimed at promoting Irish Republican and progressive and revolutionary political ideals

SALES: The sales help to financially support progressive causes and to make donations to such groups. 

LABOUR: All of our clothing is produced using socially responsible conditions and are ethically certified by several independent organisations. We are opposed to labour exploitation.

ENVIRONMENT: Our textiles and inks do not use any harmful chemicals and fulfill strict environmental standards. 

QUALITY GUARANTEED : Our clothes are professionally printed using the best modern printing technologies, providing a significantly higher than average quality as well as increased durability without degradation of the print.

WORKERS COOPERATIVE: Siopa Doire is a not for profit co-op and is worker-run and democratically self-managed by all the people involved.